With our slip lease coming to an end, we cut dock lines and set sail across Galveston Bay.
Jumping off seems to be the hardest part of cruising for people to comprehend, a reason most never leave their marinas to travel. Claire and I try to look at it more in a sense that you move each day, in the direction you want to go. It really doesn’t matter if you move a mile or one hundred miles each day, just keep going in the direction you wish to.
So our new adventure beings…
We spent our first night bobbing around on anchor off Baffle Point, the East side of Galveston Bay. Not much of a plan made yet, besides head east!

A beautiful sunset from Stinagree over East Bay.
May 1st we entered the Gulf Intercoastal Waterway (GIWW). What a beautiful day it was, even though we motored against a head wind about 13 miles, before reaching Stingaree Marina off Bolivar Penninsula. Two days into our venture, and a little bit of mileage behind us. Baby steps.
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