April 26 – 28, 2015

A year has passed since we last moved our home. The longest we have stayed stationary since we purchased Splendid Isolation in January of 2011.
Deciding together that this time was needed to continue our upgrades and plan our trip East, quickly we got to work. Although the boat requires most of our attention, La Sancha our 1983 Volvo recieved some upgrades as well. New door knobs, weather stripping, and a sexy new paint job.
We saw our window of oppourtunity and took it. Leaving Claire and the kitties behind, I drove La Sancha to Destin, Florida. This was a quick mission, with just enough time to paddle out for a surf, catch up with an old friend, and find a storage location for the Volvo. With our car now 900 miles away we were motivated to set sail.
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