dana point to oceanside


we finally have wifi. we’re going to try and keep the updates separated from one port to the next. this is our departure from our home port of dana point harbor and arriving in oceanside harbor where my dad’s childhood friend mike bardin and his family reside. we stopped in for a day. these photos are not in any specific order due to the fact that i will not waste our precious internet time to make your viewing pleasure perfect. also i do not know how to, or care to, spend the time figuring out how to rotate photos, some will be sideways.

what a great start

i got the go pro camera stuck at the top of the mast like an idiot. had to have papa hoist me up in the chair and snag it.

oceanside kitty

dinner: cinnamon chili johnny cakes with ginger clementine maple chicken. 
you dont even know.

we see a lot of awesome boats

this ones for cheyne!

not too shabby…

oceanside pier

broke, no cars, no jobs, no political party, no worries but the weather

teachin this girl to fish

uncle nukka came by dana point for our 47th going away party

wheres that wind?

one of dad’s trolling set ups

dad doing some work

go pro camera hoisted to the top. dolphins! thank you hank!!!

so freaking awesome. open aquatic desert.

free wind for movement and free sun for power

that’s me down there trying to get it unstuck!

i think they are going to miss him more than me…

look familiar mom?

splicing new amsteel lifelines. $25 for 80+ft. at minney’s it’s retail is $2.70+ a foot!
you can tow a barge with this stuff.

west marine jim. the spawn of zeus. without his help we would not have ever left. thank you!

slicing tools, new life line, quick release clasp.

downwind downhill cruisin

dad’s friend mike came over to greet us

dad’s favorite boat. “go get’em boys”

we walk a lot now that we don’t have cars and a bunch of free time.

nukka and emily came down to oceanside for the afternoon for our 189th going away party.

we won’t starve, i promise.

princess of the seas.

2 Responses to dana point to oceanside

  1. Christina November 7, 2012 at 1:04 pm #

    GoPro cam is ammmmmazing! Love that!
    So cool to see the dolphins right off the boat.
    Keep Clairabunga fattened up with all that walking burning calories!
    And tell my dad to wear sunscreen! (you guys too!)

  2. splendid isolation November 7, 2012 at 2:54 pm #

    We're all wearing hats, sunscreen, and zinc. I have a go pro video from the top but can't get it to upload.

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